CAREER JOURNAL Headline Animator

Thursday, 27 October 2011


1. How many factors are identified for influencing plant growth till now ?
(A) 55
(B) 60
(C) 52
(D) 50

2. How does the moisture stress affect the cell
(A) Affect cell division
(B) Affect cell expansion
(C) Cell mortality rate is affected
(D) No effect on cell
3. At the vegetative growth stage, flowering is stopped in food grain crops, known as-
(A) sigmoid growth curve
(B) determinate growth
(C) indeterminate growth
(D) grand growth period

4. Which one of the following can be assessed by using the following equation ?
A= Economic Production / Biomass Production
(A) Panicle emergence rate
(B) Rate of flowering
(C) Harvest Index
(D) Leaf production rate

5. How much radiation energy percentage radiating on plant is used in photosynthesis ?
(A) 0-50%-210%
(B) 0-42%-1.66%
(C) 0-25%-0-30%
(D) 0-16%-0-24%

6. The crop with yarns of sunnhemp is prepared in-
(A) 12-15 weeks
(B) 15-17 weeks
(C) 10-12 weeks
(D) 8-10 weeks

7. Which is not an inorganic matter in the following ?
(A) Magnesium
(B) Iron
(C) Fat
(D) Iodine

8. Which is the highest digestible protein non-leguminous crop among the following
(A) Napier
(B) Maize silage
(C) Maize
(D) Iowar

9. Which disease occurs, when more sorghum is consumed ?
(A) Rickets
(B) Scurvy
(C) Nightblindness
(D) Pellagra

10. Which Sorghum variety is not multicut ?
(A) Pusa Chari-2
(B) M.P. Chari-2
(C) M.P. Chari
(D) U.P. Chari-1

11. Which is not true in relation to Bajra ? ‘
(A) Penniseturn typhoides
(B) Graminae family
(C) Chromosome No. – 20
(D) OriginAfrica

12. Which variety of Barley is husk less
(A) Pragati (K 508)
(B) Ritambhara (K 551)
(C) Geetamjali (K 1149)
(D) Karan-3

13. Which is not true in relation to Gram ?
(A) Subfamily——Papilionaceae
(B) Chromosome No.—22
(C) Acid——Ma.lic and Oxalic
(D) Origin—North America

14. Which does not match in relation to Cotton ?
(A) C-520 —— Diploid
(B) G-27 — Diploid
(C) Vikas — American
(D) Ranivan — American

15. Which is not matched in relation to sugarcane ?
(A) Seed treatment—-Aglol 3%
(B) For seed—6-7 month old crop
(C) Sowing—Upper portion is more used
(D) After flowering—Used for sowing

16. Which is not basic principle of Agronomy ?
(A) To select appropriate materials for seed & sowing
(B) Management of soil and climate
(C) Appropriate intercropping activities management for crop
(D) Livestock management for Agriculture

17. Where and when was World Meteorological Organization established ?
(A) New York – 1980
(B) Washington-1978
(C) Geneva—1978
(D) Rome- 1976

18. Effective cause of atmospheric pressure is not-
(A) temperature
(B) altitude from the sea level
(C) rotation of earth
(D) soil erosion

19. Which is not correct in the following ?
(A) X-rays and Gamma rays — 9% of energy
(B) Visible lighting rays -41% of energy
(C) Infrared rays -50% of Y energy
(D) Ultraviolet rays- 10% of energy

20. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below-
(a) Paddy
(b) Wheat
(c) Maize
(d) Groundnut
1. 20°C
2. 22°C
3. 25°C
4. 26°C
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 2 3 1
(B) 2 1 4 3
(C) 3 4 2 1
(D) 1 3 4 2

21. Which states are the highest  & lowest producers of Potato crop ?
(A) Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand
(B) Gujarat and Assam
(C) Uttar Pradesh & Himachalpradesh
(D) Bihar & Kashmir

22. Which elements are useful in energy storage, transfer and bonding ?
(A) N P K
(B) N S P
(C) N K S
(D) None of these

23. Which of the following elements play an important role in nitrogen metabolism ?
(A) Magnesium
(B) Manganese
(C) Molybdenum
(D) Iron

24. How much Brinjal seed may be obtained from one hectare area 7
(A) 150-200 kg
(B) 100-150 kg
(C) 200-300 kg
(D) 75-125 kg

25. Which species of honeybee is not Indian ?
(A) Apis florea
(B) Apis dorsata
(C) Apis cerana
(D) Apis mellifera

26. Which of the following is the cross of Karan Swiss ?
(A) Sahiwal x Brown Swiss
(B) Sahiwal x Holstein
(C) Hariyana x Brovsm Swiss
(D) Hariyana >< ]ersey

27. For how many years is Sheep able to breed ?
(A) 10 years
(B) 7years
(C) 5 years
(D) 12 years

28. l-low much area mz is required for a Goat ?
(A) 0-9 ~ 1•O m2
(B) 1-1-5 m2
(C) 0-75 — 090 mz
(D) 1-5 – 1-75 mz

29. Goal of extension education is-
(A) To promote income of the farmers
(B) To promote production of the crops
(C) To promote new crops
(D) To promote scientific out- look

30. The major fungi that effect food-grains in storage are-—
(A) Mucor
(B) Rhizopus
(C) Candida
(D) Aspergillus

31. The leaching loss of Nitrogen (N) is more in the form of–
(A) Ammonia
(B) Nitrate
(C) Nitrogen
(D) Water solution

32. Which is not a natural factor affecting soil fertility ?
(A) Topography
(B) Soil age
(C) Air
(D) Parent material

33. Approximately how much area in lakh hectares of saline and alkali soils are there in Uttar Pradesh ?
(A) 15-00 lakh hectares
(B) 12-4 lakhhectares
(C) 10-4 lakh hectares
(D) 14-4 lakh hectares

34. How much percentage of soluble salts are present in Alkali soils ?
(A) 1% . 2%
(B) 0-1% — 0-2%
(C) 1-5% — 2-5%
(D) 2% ~ 3%

35. How much is the cropped area in Uttar Pradesh ?
(A) 9%
(B) 11%
(C) 12%
(D) 8%

36. The monsoon airs in the country reaches at which bank first of all ?
(A) Coastal region of Orissa
(B) Bay of Bengal region
(C) Coastal region of Kerala of
South Indian region
(D) Kachchh region of Gujarat

37. A.D.P. to A.T.P. change is called
(A) Photosymthesis
(B) Phosphorylation
(C) Transpiration
(D) Oxidation

38. What is the order of C 4 plants
(A) Sugarcane — Maize — Sudan grass — Bajra
(B) Sugarcane — Cotton – Paddy- Maize
(C) Sudan grass – Sugarcane -Paddy - Bajra
(D) Cotton — Maize ~ Bajra —Sugarcane
39. At what stage are more nutrients essentially required in cereal crops ?
(A) Growth stage of plants
(B)` Formation of leaves
(C) Particle initiation
(D) Maturity of crops

40. At which stage of crop, there is no compehtion for light, moisture and nutrients
(A) Node formation stage
(B) Seedling stage
(C) Grain formation stage
(D) Before maturity stage

41. Approximately how much HCN dose is harmful for animal feeding
(A) 0-25 gm
(B) 050 gm
(C) 2.50 gm
(D) 3-50 gm

42. Due to which reason is the Napier Grass mixed with Cluster bean or Cowpea for feeding ?
(A) Due to high crude fibre
(B) Due to oxalic acid
(C) Due to more carbohydrates
(D) Due to more HCN content

43. Which is the perennial variety of Elephant Grass (Napier Grass) ?
(A) Pusa Giant
(B) NB-21 `
(C) Pusa Giant Napier
(D) Napier-1

44. More than how much percentage of loss of urea should not be during silage fermentation ?
(A) 20% — 22%
(B) 15% — 18%
(C) 10% — 12%
(D) 8% — 10%

45. From where is Krishak Bharati magazine published ?
(A) G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pant Nagar
(B) C. S. A, University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur
(C) Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology, Fajzabad
(D) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut

46. How much minimum temperature is essential for wheat germination and optimum temperature for crop growth in degree Celsius ?
(A) 3.5°C-5.5°C and 20°C—22°C
(B) 5.6°C—7.5°C and 16°C—18°C
(C) 8°C—10°C and 30°C—35°C
(D) 10°C—12″C and 25°C—30°C

47. In case of availability of two irrigations for wheat, at which critical stage crop should be irrigated ?
(A) Tillering and Flowering
(B) Crown Root Initiation and Milking stage p
(C) Crown Root Initiation and Flowering
(D) Late joint and Dough stage

48. Which is not the symptom of Khuim disease
(A) Dark grey colour spots on leaves
(B) Adverse effect on root growth
(C) More diseases stop the crop growth
(D) Stem of plants tum and fall down

49. What is the suitable Rabi maize variety ?
(A) Sharadmani
(B) Azad Uttam
(C) Naveen
(D) Ganga — 5

50. Which disease is not related to Bajra ?
(A) Green Ear
(B) Ergot
(C) Wilt
(D) Rust

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