CAREER JOURNAL Headline Animator

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

UPSC Special Class Railway Apprentices' Examination 2012

A competitive examination for recruitment of candidates as Special Class Apprentices in Mechanical Department of Indian Railways will be held by the Union Public Service Commission in accordance with the Rules published by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).
Important Dates
  • Opening date for online registration: 22 October 2011
  • Closing date for online registration: 21 November 2011 till 11.59 PM
  • Date of written examination: 29 January 2012
  • Declaration of Written Examination Result: March/ April 2012
Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification
Candidates must have passed in the first or second division, the Intermediate or an equivalent Examination of a University or Board approved by the Government of India with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subjects of the examination. Graduates with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as their degree subjects may also apply; OR
Must have passed in the first or second divsion, the Higher Secondary (12 years) Examination under 10 plus 2 pattern of School Education with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subjects of the examination; OR
Must have passed the first year Examination under the three year degree course of a university or the first examination of the three year diploma course in Rural Service of the National Council for Rural Higher Education or the third year Examination for promotion to the 4th year of the four year BA/BSc (Evening College) Course of the Madras University with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subjects of the examination provided that before joining the degree/ diploma course he/she passed the Higher Secondary Examination or the Pre-University or equivalent examination in the first or second division.
Candidates who have passed the first/second year examination under the three-years degree course in the first or second division with Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry as subjects of the Examination may also apply; provided the first/ second year examination is conducted by a University; OR
Must have passed in the first or second division the Pre-Engineering Examination of a University, approved by the Government of India; OR
Must have passed in the first or second division the Pre-Professional/ Pre-Technological Examination of any Indian University or a recognised Board, with Mathematics and at least, one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subjects of the examination conducted one year after the Higher Secondary or Pre-University stage; OR
Must have passed the first year examination under the five year Engineering Degree Course of a University: Provided that before joining the Degree Course, he/she passed the Higher Secondary Examination or pre-University or equivalent Examination in the first or second division.
Candidates who have passed the first year Examination of the five-year Engineering Degree Course in the first or second division may also apply provided the first year Examination is conducted by a University; OR
Must have passed in the first or second division the Pre-Degree Examination of the Universities of Kerala and Calicut with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subjects of the Examination.
Age Limit (as on 1 January 2012): Minimum 17 years; Maximum 21 years
Application Fee: Application Fee for General and OBC category candidates is Rs 100 either by remitting the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI or by using Visa/ Master Credit/ Debit Card. Female/ SC/ ST/ PH candidates are exempted from payment of Fee.
Selection Procedure: The competitive examination for the Special Class Railway Apprentices' Examination 2012 comprises of the following
  • Written Examination (600 marks)

Code No.
Time Allowed
Maximum Marks
General Ability Test (English, General Knowledge and Psychological Test)
2 Hours
Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
2 Hours
2 Hours
600 marks
  •  Interview (200 marks)
How to Apply: Interested Candidates may apply Online by using the website De
 For more information; please CLICK HERE or refer Employment Newspaper dated 22 October- 28 October 2011

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