The first section of CAT 2011 will have 20 questions on quantitative ability and 10 questions on data interpretation. DI is usually considered a tough section but an effective strategy can increase chances of your success manifold. Try and become comfortable with calculations and practice a lot of questions for this segment. Also, go through the previous year question papers and strategise for every type of question carefully.
Data interpretation (DI)
Questions in DI include: bar diagrams, pie charts, line graph and tabulation. An analysis of recent year CAT question papers reveals that DI gets considerable weightage and the pattern is expected to continue in CAT 2011. Questions on tables, 3d charts, pie charts, reasoning, network, bars, games and tournaments, maxima and minima have been asked in the recent years. So it is advisable to practice these questions in a computer based format.
Reasoning based questions are important
DI also has questions on reasoning. So do not ignore these questions. Try to gain command over all kinds of questions. Questions on deduction and logical connectivity are not easy to solve. Questions on cubes can surprise you as imagining a three dimensional cube can be a difficult exercise for the brain. It is important to focus on questions you cannot solve without an eye on time limit and analyse the difficult areas. This will help you increase accuracy and speed at a later stage. Also, clear your basics which will give you a strong foundation.
How to prepare for DI of CAT 2011
There is little chance of success in CAT without a proper strategy in place. Experts suggest that DI section should be divided into two. First practice charts, tables and graphs while deal with analytical reasoning as a second part of DI. Learn tables from 1-20, squares and cubes of numbers from 1-30. Also try and remember square roots and cube roots to the extent possible.
First understand the nature of the question. Interpret the interlink of the data while solving the questions on tables. This helps in finding the growth value and percentage. It should be noted that the data is usually presented using more than one form of diagrams.
Get a grip on your calculations
It is not necessary that you solve the DI questions in serial order. First attempt the questions that could be solved with an observation and then move on to the lengthy questions. DI requires high degree of calculations and you should become comfortable with numbers to clear this section.
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