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Friday, 30 September 2011

Quants funda in three simple steps

Quantitative Aptitude holds significant importance in the CAT paper. Director TIME Mumbai, Sai Kumar summarises the strategy for Quantitative Aptitude in 3 simple steps:
First step: Analyse
An analysis of previous CAT papers will help you get an idea of the general type of the questions that appear in CAT. Also, you will get to know what topics are important. Furthermore, it will help develop an understanding of the basics for more than 50 per cent questions of this sections.

Second step: An eye on the fundamentals
Try and understand the basics of the subject as it will help solve most questions. Do not think about short cuts. No concept is easy or difficult. It is the application of the concept that sets the level of the question.

Third step: Test yourself
Solve as many mock papers as possible. Do not set any time limit initially and solve the paper. Learn about the questions that you could not answer and find out what limited you from reaching to the answer. If speed is the problem then solve as many papers as possible and if lack of accuracy is an issue then go back to your basics. 

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